Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Earth Hour

What will you be doing on this monumental hour. Turning off your lights to show your support on "Going green"? Or will you still be using your electronic devices, not giving the smallest of a damn for this event. If you want to give your full support for this event against the abuse of the Earth. I suggest you turn off ALL electronic devices to plunge the world into darkness once more.

In the beginning, when humans did not stalk the Earth foraging for resources to fuel their industries, the Earth was moulding, shaping itself. The only source of light it had was the Sun, no electronic lamps or torchlights to give it light. But, it was still full of life and much more "greener" than today. Now, after our arrival, we have used up Mother Earth's resources, taking them for granted. We believe that we are the superior species, which indeed we are. But, as Ben in Spiderman said "With great power, comes great responsibility". We, the greatest creation of god, should take up arms, not to fight each other, like we have been doing for the past 2000 years, but to promote awareness about the harm we have brought upon this planet. Subconsciously, we have ravaged the Earth of its resources, hunted down some of its unique animals to feed our gluttony and released to much toxic substance into the ecosystem. Now, it is the time to try and reverse the process, even though some people deem it irreversible.

When there is a will, there is a way. One wise man said these words, and i hope that it would fuel us for our "Green Crusade". Even though the damage done is great and shocking, we can still change it. As long as we keep trying, we, the humans, will one day fix this mess we created. Though during the early stages of development, ignorance drove man to mine for coal indiscriminately. When the scientists warned us of the thining of the ozone layer, many great men went on many campaigns to promote awareness on the causes of such devastation to out environment. People listened, they changed. The stopped using Chloroflorocarbons (CFCs) and the damage was minimised. I am sure this can happen again.

Though many would argue that our dependency on oil would make it a near impossible to change, they didn't say that it is impossible, and as long as there is a chance, no matter how slim, we MUST try it. In order to save Gaia, the provider of our resources and giver of life, we must try every possible way to save it. No matter how crazy the idea might seem, it might actually work. So, anyway, when it is finally EARTH HOUR, i hope EVERY reader would turn off all electronic equipment, or as many as possible and cast he or she's vote. The vote to save the Earth.

1 comment:

  1. A very reasonable and acceptable explanation.You have a sensible mind and possess a mind set of a positive person.Haha.
